About my beautiful vacay

*Almeria *


Vacation log : 
 Destination : Almeria, Spain

Year : 2016

Company : My biggest love <3

 Memories : Tinto de verano, Alhambra, Wind, Al Campo, 
 Tapas, Massage chairs, Free Wifi, Primark
 Abuela <3  

 They built cities in the sky, called themselves Gods and told us we could not enter.

 Sand and humans are very much alike...alone we are just dust

 Peaceful. Joyful. Soothing. Sea 


Girls just want to have fun


See yourself through his eyes <3

 La Casa del Cine Almeria

Strawberryfields by John Lenon was written in this house in Almeria, Spain.

Almeria is known for it's amazing sites who have contribued to many great films of our generation and even before
such as

Lawrence of Arabia
Indiana Jones and the last crusade
Les Daltons
AstĂ©rix et ObĂ©lix aux jeux olypiques 
Game of thrones (Dorne season 6)


Alhambra Grenade

 Love does not shine in plain sight, loves lurks where you least expect it.

 Lilly's are like flowers that can never sink, they are never overcome by the weight of what surrounds them

 We can see the end. We either run from it or run to it. That is our human instinct. But rarely does one stop and look at it.

 Love is everywhere we just need to look in the right places.


The City of Almeria and it's sights 

The enchanting heat of Europe 

When life gives you lemons smile and devour them as sour as they may be.

 Being the same as everyone else is just so boring. Be this door. Diffrent. 

Indalo, the lucky charm of Almeria.

 Tinto de verano, my love and some sun. I could not have asked for anything more. Live life and Love life.



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