Body Positivity

Ok I get a lot of questions or rude DM’s about this on Instagram… So I just want to clarify…

Body positivity is not an excuse to be unhealthy.

Being body positive does not mean you are unhealthy. It simply means you are learning to love and accept your body and the way it works. It’s about accepting all body types, accepting diversity and raising your self esteem. It’s about realizing that beauty standards are a social construct that depends on culture and stereotypes.

Some of the goals of the body positivity movement include:

  • Challenging how society views bodies 
  • Promoting the acceptance, love and understanding of all bodies
  • Helping people build confidence and acceptance of their own body
  • Addressing unrealistic body standards

Body positivity is not just about challenging how society views people based on their physical size and shape. It also recognizes that we often judge people based on size, race, gender, sexuality, and disability. 

Body positivity also exposes how popular media messages contributes to the relationship that people have with their bodies. It strives to completely change your point of view on food, exercise, clothing, health, identity, and self-care. The hope is that people can develop a healthier and more realistic relationship with their bodies.

Body positivity simply states that all people deserve to have a positive body image. Because it IS possible to love and accept your body and strive to protect your health. 

xoxo curlycurvydiva



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